This is from Rose for the June 2010 RR. She took a normal flag card and decorated it with stamps and stickers. Soooo awesome.
From the back of the card: "The newly designed Canadian flag was flown for the first time on February 15, 1965." The sticker in the middle is an officer of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. But where is his horse?? ;)
OK, let's see if I can get all of these. The stamps in the top corners celebrate the centennial of the Canadian Navy in 2010. "
For the past century, the men and women of Canada’s naval forces have stood their guard at sea, protecting our country from threats as diverse as terrorism, illegal resource exploitation, pollution violation, narcotics trafficking and illegal immigration. As the warships of Canada’s navy continue to defend our nation’s interests in home waters and around the world, Canada Post celebrates their 100th anniversary with two commemorative stamps."
The bottom corners and left and right sides middle stamps are all from Canadian Geographic's Wildlife Photography of the year 2010, featuring (clockwise from bottom left corner): katydid, rufous hummingbird, tree swallow, and great blue heron.
The insects are low value definitives in 1¢ (convergent ladybird beetle), 2¢ (monarch caterpillar), and 3¢ (goldeneyed lacewing).
The 25¢ and 4¢ stamps at the bottom are from 1999, featuring leatherworking and oyster farming.
As for the stamps on the back of the card...